Think a head, travel arrangements should be completed as far in advance of moving day as is practical, keeping departure day tasks to a minimum. One person in the family should assume responsibility for the pet. Be sure to discuss the transfer of your pet with your travel agent. Your agent can help you select the best way to transfer your pet, offer helpful suggestions, and assist with, or take care of, any necessary shipping arrangements. The agent may recommend a pet handling agency that will take care of all the details of shipping pets, including boarding, pick-up, and delivery. Costs vary according to services rendered.
General Checklist
Take pet to veterinarian for checkup and health documentsapply for entry permit if one is needed; inquire about sedation for pet; obtain pet’s health record; schedule second visit to vet if necessary; ask your vet to recommend a colleague in the new city.
Obtain travel identification tag.
Check destination state’s pet entry regulations.
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